(too old to reply)
2012-07-11 03:29:38 UTC
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NEW YORK CITY, NY (Rueters) -- Those of you who went
to bed early last night missed one of the best interviews on
TV in years, if not decades.

Piers Morgan's guest on CNN at 9 p.m. was Ed Conrad who,
as most of you know, has a persistent hard-on for members
of the Scientific Establishment for giving mankind a good
screwing about our origin and ancestry.
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For three decades, the pseudo-scientists have DENIED that
Ed has discovered petrified bones, teeth and even soft organs
-- SOME HUMAN -- between coal veins which are dated
geologically at a minimum of 280 million years, scaring the
sh*t out of the evolutionists and atheists and causing Charles
Darwin to roll over in his grave.
This is because Ed has an incredible amount of physical
evidence and a shitload of favorable state-of-the-art testing
results to prove his point -- much more than you can shake
a schtick at.
< ======================
(Comments Protected by CNN Copyright)
PIERS MORGAN: Ed, you're the first person without a brain that
i've ever interviewed, except for George Walker Bush. How does
it feel?
ED CONRAD: Great, Piers! You see, I'll never be convicted
of murder because, without a brain, I'm legally insane.
ctually, I can get away with anything, including shoplifting
at Wal-mart.
PIERS: Ed, I understand that the Scientific Establishment
refused to accept the donation of your petrified brain for
cientific research or to put on permanent display at the
Smithsonian. Any comment?
ED: You must understand, Piers, lots of longtime employees
at the Smithsonian are either brain-dead or brainless.
I suppose Wayne CLough, the Secretary, simply didn't
want to make any of them jealous.
PIERS: I understand, since you were quite depressed by their
rejection, you became the very first person to try and auction
off your petrified brain on eBay.
ED: Quite true. Piers. Same as you, I really LOVE money
and the more the merrier. I knew, if I sold my brain, it would
turnme into Brussels Sprouts and a few other veggies but
at least I knew I'd die with a nice healthy bank account.
PIERS: Ed, why do you continually post a long list of newspapers
and news agencies taking up precious computer resources and
making our great nation more susceptible to overthrow by ferin
ED: I guess it's because I'm legally insane.
PIERS: Ed, please be honest. Do you have ANYONE in
your corner after more than three decades?
ED: Who gives a sh*t? Piers. I'm right and the evolutionists and
atheists dead wrong -- especially those Manchurian Candidates
nesting at talk.origins -- with their belief in man's evolution.
Someday they'll be sorry, when here's a pitchfork protruding
from their ass.
"God Bless America" music can be heard faintly in the background
as Piers shows his thousands of viewers mind-boggling fossils
- SOME HUMAN -- that Ed has discovered between coal veins.

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PIERS: HOLY SH*T, Ed! Where did you find these incredible
evolution- destroying fossils that beat the living crap out of
Charles Darwin's absurd, fadt-less theory?
ED: Please keep this confidential, Piers, but here's a map showing
spectacular cross-section of coal veins beneath Mahanoy City,
Pa., where I found them. The most goldenrule of geology is that
coal was formed a minimum of 280 million years ago, meaning
that man, n almost our present form, had inhabited the earth
eons before arwin and his Pied Piper evolutionists claim we
evolved from monkeys.
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The century-old mining map confirms, beyond all reasonable doubt,
That an asteroid, meteor or comet had struck the earth and offers
the undeniable physical evidence of a catastrophe that boggles the
(Piers shows viewers the maps while Ed informs them that they
can lick on some of the photos to make them a lot larger (or you
can dab them lightly with Viagra.)
< "Oh, the Humanity"
PIERS: Ed, you're definitely not a moron as the Pseudoscientists
say. You're a freakin' genius like Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler,
Edison, Einstein, Immanuel Velikovsky and Mark Zuckerberg.
ED: I agree!
PIERS: Ed, is it true that you're also quite a poet?
ED: If I were humble, Piers, I would say No. But being honest,
I can tell you honestly that INDEED I am. In fact, I just happen
to have two of my poems with me on these large cardboard signs
aside my chair so everyone can read along and enjoy them.
Ed's dead, you said!
I hope it's true!
It's time for celebration.
He's squeezed our balls
'Til black and blue
And I've run out of medication.
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PIERS: Pretty damn good, Ed! I'd say you're way better than
Ogden Nash. Now how about reciting your other poem.
The pseudos, their interests so vested
And Poor Truth, for too long molested.
Their deceit and deception
Near the point of perfection
If it were my call, they'd ALL be arrested
PIERS: Folks, we almost have run out of time. But we'd like
to hear from at least one telephone caller with a question or
Hello, Las Vegas, your question or comment, pleasel
GRUFF MAFIA-LIKE VOICE: If I wanted to see fundamentalist
crap, or fellow fundamentalists jerking each other off, I'd have
watched "American Morons." Sprout your crap somewhere
else, you idiots.
Sometime next week, Ed Conrad, Stephen Hawking, Father Guido
arducci and Richard Dawkins will be Piers' guests and discuss
the existence of a Supreme Bean.
Ed Conrad probably will have THIS to say about THAT . . .
American Anthropological Association
American Association of Physical Anthropologists
American Board of Forensic Anthropology
American Society of Primatologists
American Academy of Forensic Sciences
The British Academy
Institute of Human Origins
The Leakey Foundation
Palaeoanthropology Society
University Departments (Brainwashing101)
Department of Anthropology, University of Arizona
School of Human Evolution & Social Change (formerly Department of
Anthropology) Arizona State University
Anthropology at Berkeley, University of California, Berkeley
Department of Anthropology, University of California, Los Angeles
Anthropology at UCSD, University of California, San Diego
Department of Anthropology, University of California, Santa Barbara)
Smithsonian Institution
Department of Anthropology, University of Chicago
Department of Anthropology, Columbia University
Department of Anthropology, Cornell University
Ph.D. Program in Anthropology, CUNY
Department of Biological Anthropology and Anatomy, Duke University
Department of Anthropology, University of Florida
Department of Anthropology, Harvard University
Anthropology @ UIUC, University of Illinois
Anthropology Department, Indiana University
Department of Anthropology, Johns Hopkins University
Department of Anthropology, University of Michigan
Department of Anthropology, New York University
Department of Anthropology, Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania
Department of Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh
Department of Anthropology, Princeton University
Center for Human Evolutionary Studies (Rutgers University)
Department of Anthropological Sciences, Stanford Unversity
Department of Anthropology, University of Texas
Department of Anthropology, University of Virginia
Department of Anthropology, University of Washington
Department of Anthropology, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Smithsonian Institution
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Archaeological Institute of America
Association for Feminist Anthropology
Association of Black Anthropologists
Association of Latina and Latino Anthropologists
Human Biology Association
Paleoanthropology Society
Society for American Archaeology
Society for Historical Archaeology
Society for Archaeological Sciences
Society for Applied Anthropology
Society for Economic Anthropology
Society for Ethnomusicology
Northeastern Anthropological Association
Eastern States Archaeological Federation
Council for Northeast Historical Archaeology
Archaeological Society of Connecticut
Maine Archaeological Society
Massachusetts Archaeological Society
New Hampshire Archeological Society
New York State Archaeological Association
Vermont Archaeological Society
International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences
Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association
Societe canadienne de sociologie et d'anthropologie
Canadian Archaeological Association
Canadian Anthropology Society
Royal Anthropological Institute (UK)
Association of Social Anthropologists of U.K. and the Commonwealth
European Association of Social Anthropologists
Association of Social Anthropologists of Aoteaora/NewZealand
Council for British Archaeology
Society for Industrial Archaeology
Society of Africanist Archaeologists
talk.origins sci.anthropology sci.anthropology.paleo
sci.archaeology sci.archaeology.mesoamerican
sci.bio.evolution sci.paleontology.evolution David
Pilbeam Paul PZ Myers Stephen Hawking Richard
Dawkins Richard Leakey Roger Cuffey Raymond Rye
John Chiment Richard Eckhardt Alan Mann Allan
Walker T. Dale Stewart
2012-07-11 13:56:31 UTC
NEW YORK CITY, NY (Rueters) -- Those of you who went
to bed early last night missed one of the best interviews on
TV in years, if not decades.
Piers Morgan's guest on CNN at 9 p.m. was Ed Conrad who,
as most of you know, has a persistent hard-on for members
of the Scientific Establishment for giving mankind a good
screwing about our origin and ancestry.
For three decades, the pseudo-scientists have DENIED that
Ed has discovered petrified bones, teeth and even soft organs
-- SOME HUMAN -- between coal veins which are dated
geologically at a minimum of 280 million years, scaring the
sh*t out of the evolutionists and atheists and causing Charles
Darwin to roll over in his grave.
This is because Ed has an incredible amount of physical
evidence and a shitload of favorable state-of-the-art testing
results to prove his point -- much more than you can shake
a schtick at.
< ======================
 (Comments Protected by CNN Copyright)
PIERS MORGAN: Ed, you're the first person without a brain that
i've ever interviewed, except for George Walker Bush. How does
it feel?
ED CONRAD: Great, Piers! You see, I'll never be convicted
of murder because, without a brain, I'm legally insane.
ctually, I can get away with anything, including shoplifting
at Wal-mart.
PIERS: Ed, I understand that the Scientific Establishment
refused to accept the donation of your petrified brain for
cientific research or to put on permanent display at the
Smithsonian. Any comment?
ED: You must understand, Piers, lots of longtime employees
at the Smithsonian are either brain-dead or brainless.
I suppose Wayne CLough, the Secretary, simply didn't
want to make any of them jealous.
PIERS: I understand, since you were quite depressed by their
rejection, you became the very first person to try and auction
off your petrified brain on eBay.
ED: Quite true. Piers. Same as you, I really LOVE money
and the more the merrier. I knew, if I sold my brain, it would
turnme into Brussels Sprouts and a few other veggies but
at least I knew I'd die with a nice healthy bank account.
PIERS: Ed, why do you continually post a long list of newspapers
and news agencies taking up precious computer resources and
 making our great nation more susceptible to overthrow by ferin
ED: I guess it's because I'm legally insane.
PIERS: Ed, please be honest. Do you have ANYONE in
your corner after more than three decades?
ED: Who gives a sh*t? Piers. I'm right and the evolutionists and
atheists dead wrong -- especially those Manchurian Candidates
nesting at talk.origins -- with their belief in man's evolution.
Someday they'll be sorry, when here's a pitchfork protruding
from their ass.
"God Bless America" music can be heard faintly in the background
as Piers shows his thousands of viewers mind-boggling fossils
- SOME HUMAN -- that Ed has discovered between coal veins.
<Loading Image...
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PIERS: HOLY SH*T, Ed! Where did you find these incredible
evolution- destroying fossils that beat the living crap out of
Charles Darwin's absurd, fadt-less theory?
ED: Please keep this confidential, Piers, but here's a map showing
spectacular cross-section of coal veins beneath Mahanoy City,
Pa., where I found them. The most goldenrule of geology is that
coal was formed a minimum of 280 million years ago, meaning
that man, n almost our present form, had inhabited the earth
eons before arwin and his Pied Piper evolutionists claim we
evolved from monkeys.
The century-old mining map confirms, beyond all reasonable doubt,
That an asteroid, meteor or comet had struck the earth and offers
the undeniable physical evidence of a catastrophe that boggles the
(Piers shows viewers the maps while Ed informs them that they
can lick on some of the photos to make them a lot larger (or you
can dab them lightly with Viagra.)
< "Oh, the Humanity"
PIERS: Ed, you're definitely not a moron as the Pseudoscientists
say. You're a freakin' genius like Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler,
Edison, Einstein, Immanuel Velikovsky and Mark Zuckerberg.
ED: I agree!
PIERS: Ed, is it true that you're also quite a poet?
ED: If I were humble, Piers, I would say No. But being honest,
I can tell you honestly that INDEED I am. In fact, I just happen
to have two of my poems with me on these large cardboard signs
aside my chair so everyone can read along and enjoy them.
Ed's dead, you said!
I hope it's true!
It's time for celebration.
He's squeezed our balls
'Til black and blue
And I've run out of medication.
PIERS: Pretty damn good, Ed! I'd say you're way better than
Ogden Nash. Now how about reciting your other poem.
The pseudos, their interests so vested
And Poor Truth, for too long molested.
Their deceit and deception
Near the point of perfection
If it were my call, they'd ALL be arrested
PIERS: Folks, we almost have run out of time. But we'd like
to hear from at least one telephone caller with a question or
Hello, Las Vegas, your question or comment, pleasel
GRUFF MAFIA-LIKE VOICE: If I wanted to see fundamentalist
crap, or fellow fundamentalists jerking each other off, I'd have
watched "American Morons." Sprout your crap somewhere
else, you idiots.
Sometime next week, Ed Conrad, Stephen Hawking, Father Guido
arducci and Richard Dawkins will be Piers' guests and discuss
the existence of a Supreme Bean.
Ed Conrad probably will have THIS to say about THAT . . .
American Anthropological Association
American Association of Physical Anthropologists
American Board of Forensic Anthropology
American Society of Primatologists
American Academy of Forensic Sciences
The British Academy
Institute of Human Origins
The Leakey Foundation
Palaeoanthropology Society
University Departments (Brainwashing101)
Department of Anthropology, University of Arizona
School of Human Evolution & Social Change (formerly Department of
Anthropology) Arizona State University
Anthropology at Berkeley, University of California, Berkeley
Department of Anthropology, University of California, Los Angeles
Anthropology at UCSD, University of California, San Diego
Department of Anthropology, University of California, Santa Barbara)
Smithsonian Institution
Department of Anthropology, University of Chicago
Department of Anthropology, Columbia University
Department of Anthropology, Cornell University
Ph.D. Program in Anthropology, CUNY
Department of Biological Anthropology and Anatomy, Duke University
Department of Anthropology, University of Florida
Department of Anthropology, Harvard University
Anthropology Department, Indiana University
Department of Anthropology, Johns Hopkins University
Department of Anthropology, University of Michigan
Department of Anthropology, New York University
Department of Anthropology, Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania
Department of Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh
Department of Anthropology, Princeton University
Center for Human Evolutionary Studies (Rutgers University)
Department of Anthropological Sciences, Stanford Unversity
Department of Anthropology, University of Texas
Department of Anthropology, University of Virginia
Department of Anthropology, University of Washington
Department of Anthropology, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Smithsonian Institutionhttp://www.edconrad.com/pics/TightFit.jpg
Archaeological Institute of America
Association for Feminist Anthropology
Association of Black Anthropologists
Association of Latina and Latino Anthropologists
Human Biology Association
Paleoanthropology Society
Society for American Archaeology
Society for Historical Archaeology
Society for Archaeological Sciences
Society for Applied Anthropology
Society for Economic Anthropology
Society for Ethnomusicology
Northeastern Anthropological Association
Eastern States Archaeological Federation
Council for Northeast Historical Archaeology
Archaeological Society of Connecticut
Maine Archaeological Society
Massachusetts Archaeological Society
New Hampshire Archeological Society
New York State Archaeological Association
Vermont Archaeological Society
International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences
Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association
Societe canadienne de sociologie et d'anthropologie
Canadian Archaeological Association
Canadian Anthropology Society
Royal Anthropological Institute (UK)
Association of Social Anthropologists of U.K. and the Commonwealth
European Association of Social Anthropologists
Association of Social Anthropologists of Aoteaora/NewZealand
Council for British Archaeology
Society for Industrial Archaeology
Society of Africanist Archaeologists
talk.origins sci.anthropology sci.anthropology.paleo
sci.archaeology sci.archaeology.mesoamerican
sci.bio.evolution sci.paleontology.evolution David
Pilbeam Paul PZ Myers Stephen Hawking Richard
Dawkins Richard Leakey Roger Cuffey Raymond Rye
John Chiment Richard Eckhardt Alan Mann Allan
Walker T. Dale Stewart