All experts are totally wrong about thinking process
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Wretch Fossil
2010-10-02 08:42:22 UTC
All experts are totally wrong about thinking process

While I was doing a figure on twelve huge brain cell fossils (Figure
1) found on Mars, it occurred to me that I should write about how all
experts in neurology, psychology, etc. are totally wrong about the
actual processes of thinking, feeling, etc. of all animals.

Modern experts believe thinking happens in brains. In fact, brains
don’t think anything. Brains just relay electrical stimulus/pulse/
impetus to mind, which does all the thinking and issues all the action
orders in electrical pulses to brains.

So, there is a loop between the brain and the mind in the thinking
process. Brains act only like a telephone switchboard, doing no
thinking at all. Mind does all the thingking,all the feeling, etc.
Mind power equals to the power of a computer as large as the Earth,
but human mind is around human heart and invisible to any human eyes
or instruments.

Figure 1: shows 12 brain cell fossils found on “Red Island” by NASA’s
MER Opportunity on Sol 2371:

Location of brain cells: See note 1 on :

Photo source and credit for Figure 1:
Wretch Fossil
2010-10-04 08:50:31 UTC
Post by Wretch Fossil
All experts are totally wrong about thinking process
While I was doing a figure on twelve huge brain cell fossils (Figure
1) found on Mars, it occurred to me that I should write about how all
experts in neurology, psychology, etc. are totally wrong about the
actual processes of thinking, feeling, etc. of all animals.
Modern experts believe thinking happens in brains. In fact, brains
don’t think anything. Brains just relay electrical stimulus/pulse/
impetus to mind, which does all the thinking and issues all the action
orders in electrical pulses to brains.
So, there is a loop between the brain and the mind in the thinking
process. Brains act only like a telephone switchboard, doing no
thinking at all. Mind does all the thingking,all the feeling, etc.
Mind power equals to the power of a computer as large as the Earth,
but human mind is around human heart and invisible to any human eyes
or instruments.
Figure 1: shows 12 brain cell fossils found on “Red Island” by NASA’s
MER Opportunity on Sol 2371:http://www.wretch.cc/album/show.php?i=lin440315&b=20&f=1556237136&p=142
Location of brain cells: See note 1 on :http://www.flickr.com/photos/hortonheardawho/5025978549/
Photo source and credit for Figure 1:http://roadtoendeavour.wordpress.com/2010/09/26/more-meteorite-goodness/
Added on Oct. 4, 2010:
Brains don’t memorize, recognize, feel or think.

All memorization,recognition,feeling and thinking are done in our
minds, not in our brains. There are two travel directions in the loop
between brain and mind:

First direction: From sensory organ to brain to spine column to mind;
Second direction: From mind (which produces electrical pulse) to spine
column to brain to muscles

Part of the trip in the loop uses "wireless communication" like
cellphones do. I know very little about neurology. So, don’t ask me
neurological questions.
