American TV—Proof of alien life found
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Wretch Fossil
2010-11-03 15:56:38 UTC
American TV—Proof of alien life found

An American TV station reports a meteorite reseacher found proof of
alien life:

I checked the meteorite researcher’s album and found it contained a
meteorite micrograph showing remnants of alien blood vessel and red
blood cells as marked in this figure:
(Photo source and credit: Mr. Steven Curry,
Wretch Fossil
2010-11-04 11:35:12 UTC
Post by Wretch Fossil
American TV—Proof of alien life found
An American TV station reports a meteorite reseacher found proof of
alien life:http://www.kjct8.com/news/25571622/detail.html?taf=gjct
I checked the meteorite researcher’s album and found it contained a
meteorite micrograph showing remnants of alien blood vessel and red
blood cells as marked in this figure:http://www.wretch.cc/album/show.php?i=lin440315&b=28&f=1177059010&p=180
The link to the American TV report is edited as:

Wretch Fossil
2010-11-05 09:46:43 UTC
Post by Wretch Fossil
Post by Wretch Fossil
American TV—Proof of alien life found
An American TV station reports a meteorite reseacher found proof of
alien life:http://www.kjct8.com/news/25571622/detail.html?taf=gjct
I checked the meteorite researcher’s album and found it contained a
meteorite micrograph showing remnants of alien blood vessel and red
blood cells as marked in this figure:http://www.wretch.cc/album/show.php?i=lin440315&b=28&f=1177059010&p=180
Added on Nov. 5, 2010:
More proof of alien life

Two additional figures below prove Mr. Steven Curry has found alien
life. They are definitely not minerals.

Fig. 1: shows four branching blood vessels and seven round RBCs of
past alien life

Fig. 2: shows a twisted blood vessel remnant of past alien life

Source of Figure 1: http://www.flickr.com/photos/***@N04/5083845175/

Source of Figure 2: http://www.flickr.com/photos/***@N04/5115199478/

Photo credit: Mr. Steven Curry
