Outlandish Planetary System Orbits and Gathering Periods Table
(too old to reply)
2014-07-02 16:36:54 UTC
Outlandish Planetary System Orbits and Gathering Periods Table by Tony Lance
Every 500 years the 9 solar system planets gather as if for a group photograph.
This table works out the period of time for the groups for 447 solar systems.
The biggest thing of this table is the small error margins every time.
Column four shows period and error margin for each. (see link)
2014-07-06 18:08:12 UTC
This posting has just been deleted from comments section
of Nature.com on implicit grounds that it is a paper.
Their article was on Chaos in the Exo-planets.
Years ago their letter section gave me the concept of
particle pair mass ratios, without which there would be
no 50 year project on Outlandish Particle Periodic Table.
Post by t***@bigberthathing.com
Outlandish Planetary System Orbits and Gathering Periods Table by Tony Lance